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Light Switch

Light Switch

  • $ 30.00
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TB 35” M-L-VL  Intense color and contrast with saturated yellow standards and crimson falls.  Eye-catching falls have a vivid yellow zonal burst below orange beards that contrast strongly with the crimson band at edges.  Excellent branching and bud count with 9 to 11 buds on very well balanced stalks.  Garden standout for performance and color, another great on from Anton!   AM- 15/6347-3: AM-07/2822-10: (Gypsy Lord x
Undercurrent) X Reckless Abandon

Hybridizer A. MEGO
Introduction Year 2023
Rebloom Zone N/A
Number of Reblooms N/A
Rebloom Reliability N/A
Category Tall Bearded

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