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Keep In Mind

Keep In Mind

  • $ 30.00
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TB 33” M-L & RE Amazing form and ruffling on this new addition to the reblooming field!  Well shaped and ruffled white standards are touched ice blue at edges with green at the base and midrib.  Wide, overlapping falls are white blending into a 1” violet-blue rim at the edges.  Sweet but faint scent, 7 buds on nice stalks, heavily ruffled with the bonus of late summer rebloom in our gardens.  Great step forward in rebloom form and ruffling!  AE-20036-A: Center Ice X Blame It On Rio

Hybridizer M. SUTTON
Introduction Year 2023
Rebloom Zone 6
Number of Reblooms 1
Rebloom Reliability 2
Category Tall Bearded

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